Top Safari Hunting with Matlabas Safaris

Top Safari Hunting with Matlabas Safaris


Matlabas Safari’s Specials

Buffalo Hunt

Buffalo Hunt

Top-Rated Buffalo Hunt Package $10000

  • Buffalo
  • 7 Days Hunting 8 Nights

Entry-Level Safari Adventure $2995

  • 5 Days Hunting 6 Nights
  • 1 Blue Wildebeest ($895)
  • 1 Impala ($400)
  • 1 Blesbuck ($450)

Unbeatable Safari Offer at $3495

  • 5 Days Hunting 6 Nights
  • 1 Steenbuck or Duiker ($300)
  • 1 Impala ($400)
  • 1 Blesbuck ($450)
  • 1 Warthog ($200)
  • 1 Blue Wildebeest ($895)

Exclusive Safari Experience at $4890

  • 7 Hunting Days 8 Nights
  • 1 Steenbuck or Duiker ($300)
  • 1 Impala ($400)
  • 1 Blesbuck ($450)
  • 1 Warthog ($200)
  • 1 Blue Wildebeest ($895)
  • 1 Zebra ($895)

Key Terms for Plains Game Specials

  • Minimum of 2 Hunters per group (2X1)
  • Non-Hunters/ Observers / Camera Man will be charged $150 per day
  • Hunters have the option to hunt (1x1) at an additional fee of $250 each for a (5 Day Hunt) or $350 each for a (7 Day Hunt)

What's Included in Our Special Packages

  • Main Hunting area will be at Matlabas Safari's Houndslow Lodge or Matlabas Safari's Motopi Lodge
  • Pre-Issue of firearm permits at the airport for import of firearms
  • 2 Hunters per 1 Professional Hunter (2X1)
  • Trackers, skinners, and camp staff
  • Luxery accommodation
  • Catering and beverages
  • Moderate use of alcohol
  • VAT @ 15% included on daily rates

Exclusions in Our Special Safari Packages

  • Pick up/ Drop off from Johannesburg (OR Tambo) Airport at $200 per (2x1) hunters.
  • All Taxidermy work.
  • All export cost for trophies
  • Air charter (where applicable)
  • Government TAX (where applicable)
  • Hotel accommodation before and after the safari (where applicable)
  • Species outside the package is available for hunting as per price list 
  • Any cites permit @ $100 per permit if required for animals hunted outside the package.
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